

October 15, 2010

Well im Back from my trip to Berlin ..painting and exhibiting at the Stroke Art Fair with LA ART MACHINE…. and allot of good things happened while i was there… I was painting my booth and working on my paintings at the same time… and i noticed a man watching me paint very carefully analyzing my upside down technique and the way i was using colors.. he then introduced himself as LUX a  interesting an well connected man in Berlin.. artist and innovator.. so he explained to me how he has never seen anything like what ive done before when it comes to art in general and he then asked me if i wanted to paint on the berlin wall.. I didn’t believe him at first until he took me to see the actual walls he had stored in the back of the event space.. he showed me this piece that had the king of pop painted on it by another artist and he offered me this wall ..so i went with it.. He had a crane pick up the 5ton wall from the back of the studio and drop it off in the front of the art fair… IT WAS THE HIGH LIGHT OF THE EVENT.. as i was told.. i started and from there he had the biggest paper in berlin come and take photos and ask me some questions on how do i feel about painting the wall.. I STATED.. basically its an HONOR TO PAINT ON A PIECE OF HISTORY bringing art history to a piece of german history.. .. from there  the story was printed.. the next day i was rushed in the morning by LUX in awe stating we got in the biggest paper in berlin and quoted was the cost of the piece for $500,000 EUROS, which translates to $700k USD.. I was shocked and everything was all un expected.. from there i placed the article in my booth  so the audience passing by can read it.. and get abetter feel of the artist… i then go out side to work on the wall .. while my booth was being watched by OLI who was a great help .. then he runs down stairs coming up to me asking if this is the real price for this and i tell him yes it is thats what the paper says.. He then comes at me that there is a guy that wants to buy the wall ..asked if it was available..and wallah there you go.. so apparently the buyer and the owner of the wall are meeting to finalize.. contracts have been signed everything is locked down… ill keep you posted on the progress.. stay shining



  1. DOPE!

  2. I can relate to what your feeling. Congrats!!! While setting up at my first book festival,(Aug.2010) a volunteer man parking cars and I struck up a conversation. Two days later, as I was packing up to leave(Georgia’s National Historic Jekyll Island, GA.( http://www.jekyllisland.com), what books I had with me were taken by staff and are now selling at their “Welcome, Nature, and Sea Turtle) Center’s. I’m still off the ground flying. That parking man—turns out he’s CEO of Island Foundation. — Jekyll Island, Ga. is a “Must See!”-
    I hope to meet you someday. Your paintings are ALIVE and DANCING in colors. Thank you for being an artist. 🙂

  3. Chor. Upppppppppssss! Its so great to see this, dude, you deserve it! The piece looks ill, Rob sent it to me. Congrats and enjoy the ride!

  4. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Andy Howell, CHOR BOOGIE. CHOR BOOGIE said: https://theboogieblog.wordpress.com/2010/10/15/the-700k-dollar-berlin-wall/ […]

  5. thats dope…… I thinks that real cool…….keep it up i give u lot of respect

  6. The universe was truly with you on your journeys! Your heart must have been so filled! To new beginnings from here!

  7. […] Chor has just returned from Berlin where he painted one of the most notorious walls in history of mankind. Read more about it here. […]

  8. chor boogie famous in berlin!!!! this is so unbelievably amazing ❤

  9. You are absolutely AMAZING, Chor… AMAZING! Congratulations!

  10. Hello,
    I love your Artwork, your color and the most important how you can communicate peace, energy and hapinness to Us!
    I know everybody says nice things to you, I think one of the most beautiful qualities of the artist is to recognize his talent, but at the same time be humble, good person, and sure of his spiritual mission….so, God Bless You!..

  11. […] Patrice Lux vertickt diese im 6stelligen Bereich. Mit dabei eine Arbeit des Graffiti Writers Chor Boogie aus Kalifornien. Diese kostet um die 500.000 Euro, Fotos und Zeitungsartikel nach dem Jump […]

  12. i cant believe that there are still people who go on Loki aka Lux’s glu..

  13. congrats!! that looks amazing!!

  14. […] people and artists. Also painted a piece of history which is the most important thing to me (Berlin wall piece). People seem to forget the understanding of this Wall and how many lives it took. And to be apart […]

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  28. […] which didn’t go unnoticed, as you can see in the attached press note. This wall is worth its weight in gold… […]

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